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Miércoles el 7 de Septiembre a las 20h por correo electrónico :  Pecha-Kucha (Habla-Charla)

Nombre:                                                                                                                              Fecha:

PECHA KUCHA / ¡Habla Charla!

Task:  You are to create a Pecha-Kucha introducing yourself to the class. You can discuss your family, friends, favorite hobbies, favorite subject(s), favorite food(s), where you live etcetera, really anything that makes you, you. This assignment is geared toward refreshing your Spanish 1 skills after the summer break so be sure to include as much Spanish vocabulary and grammar as you can from last year.

Process: A Pecha-Kucha is a new age PowerPoint presentation originating from Japan. It is new age in that the PowerPoint is constructed using ONLY images to tell your story (NOT A SINGLE WORD). That means there is NO text of ANY kind in your presentation, just images. To add to the uniqueness of the Pecha-Kucha each of your slides must advance automatically at 10 second intervals. Therefore you must narrate your story in sync with the visuals on your slide WITHOUT reading notes or scripts. In truth, the words Pecha-Kucha means “chit chat” in Japanese.  Therefore be sure to rehearse your presentation until you can narrate it smoothly and compellingly. Traditional Pecha-Kucha presentations are 20 slides in 20 seconds. For this Pecha-Kucha however, you will only be required to have 10 slides in 10 seconds. This means that each of you will get to introduce themselves to the class in a little less than 2 minutes. Though you MUST speak in SPANISH, and you may NOT read… YOU WILL NEED TO HAND IN A SCRIPT!!!

Tips:  In terms of preparation remember to take your time. Take time to decide on a theme, gather materials, work out your script, and adjust rhythm and pace. Rehearse your presentation. Completing the slides doesn’t mean you are ready to present them. Even 10 seconds can feel endless for you and your audience if you don’t know the material. Rehearse until you feel a rhythm taking over and the initial stiffness fading away. (You might even want to recruit a guinea pig audience. A friend is good, a stranger is even better.) Remember to stand up while practicing your presentation and imagine yourself in the audience. Would they enjoy your presentation?? If not, trim and tweak your presentation. Do what it takes to get you excited about your work.

In terms of showtime remember that pecha-kucha means chit chat so that means talk. Every presentation requires a different amount of narration, but don’t stay silent. Breathe. The audience needs pauses to digest your story, so snappy bursts are better than endless stream. Use silence as your punctuation. Time your comments so you can follow the slides in a controlled manner. Consider your body language. Talk to the audience, smile, and make eye contact. Talk with everyone.




  5 4 3 2 Notes
Main Overarching Summary of Spanish I Excellent Good Fair Weak  
10 Slides Yes No = 0 pts      
Automatic Advance/10 seconds Yes No = 0 pts      
Natural Conversational Moderately Choppy Needs Improvement  
Smooth Very Moderately Choppy Needs Improvement  
Timed to slides Exactly Most Somewhat Not sync’d  
Organized and Focused Very Moderately Somewhat Needs Improvement  
Shows Passion and Interest in topic High degree Moderate Fair Needs improvement  
Overall Presentation as Introduction Compelling/elicited chit-chat Somewhat compelling Did not generate interest Not compelling  
TOTAL 45 = A 37 = B 29 = C 21 = D  

 Reading from notes or a script = -25 pointsFailure to produce a script = - 10 points